Women's March SF 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017. I was bundled up on my couch as the clouds began gathering overhead outside. I was saddened by the events, rhetoric, and dialogue that have been taking place and dominating our attentions and space lately. There was a part of me that truly started to fear that the world was just filled more frustration, anger, and hate than ever before. The rain started to fall and helped encourage my defeated attitude to sink deeper into the couch and stay inside. But then I heard the sound of helicopters and it made me think of how special and significant this could be, especially now, at a time of struggle (absolutely, not only for women). So I got up and made my way towards City Hall. We shouted, we laughed, we smiled, and we marched. And it truly was something special and significant.
The main principle of the Women's March highlights that "Women's Rights are Human Rights". Around the world, millions showed their support. However, what struck me the most was that it felt more like a show of support simply for each other. Men came out and passionately showed their support for women. Women marched fiercely with "Black Lives Matter" signs. Children walked around showing support for the LBTQIA communities. We all came together, and supported one another. And in a time where we feel so broken and disconnected, this show of togetherness felt exactly like what we needed.